MZECO International Pty Ltd was founded in 2011 in the beautiful Australian harbour city, Sydney.

The founders of the company firmly believe that human beings' pursuit of a higher living standard and the resulting technological development should not be at the cost of depriving our living environment. In the 21st century, human technological progress can not only meet people's greater material needs, but also repair the ecological environment eroded by human beings in the past few centuries and leave a beautiful earth home for our future generations.

Based on this belief, the company has established the company tenet of "Together Let's Make Ourselves A Better Ecological Environment". For more than ten years after the establishment of the company, the colleagues of the company have never forgotten their original intention. Around the founding purpose of the company, they have worked hard and laid a solid foundation for the future development of the company.

Since 2012, the company has established in-depth cooperative relations with Chinese companies to promote high-quality green and healthy consumer goods developed and produced in Australia in the Chinese market on the basis of common belief and mutual commercial benefits. Qingdao Genfortune International Trade Co., Ltd. is the strategic partner in China for MZECO International Pty Ltd.

From 2012 to 2021, our company's business included introducing and selling the full range of products of a well-known Australian manufacturer of plant-based household cleaning and personal care products in the Chinese market. During this period, our team completed a series of procedures such as the translation and registration of intellectual property rights of relevant products in China, market access, customs and commodity inspection compliance, established the market popularity of relevant brands, and pushed the products into the online and offline markets. The market share of the products increased steadily. Our business also included the market entry of Australian agricultural products and organic food in China. After years of hard work of in these fields, our team has established an extensive cross-border upstream supply and downstream sales network, and accumulated a wealth of traditional and innovative marketing, cross-border trade operation and international logistics contacts and experiences, so that we can provide practical and efficient services for our customers and other business partners.

In 2018, our company put forward the concept of "household cleaning 4.0" and launched it to the media through a press conference at the first China International Import Expo (CIIE), which has received great responses. At present, our company is still vigorously promoting the "household cleaning 4.0" project.

Recently, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes international political landscape, international trade is facing stiff challenges and uncertainties. Nevertheless, we believe that human beings' pursuit of a better life will not change, nor will their demand for the continuous restoration and improvement of the earth's ecological environment. As long as we don't forget our original intention, make continuous efforts and fully leverage to the advantages of our accumulated resources, we will be able to continuously recreate brilliance in the changed world.